Trademark Renewals

Trademark renewals are a critical aspect of maintaining the ongoing protection of your brand.

After the 5th or 6th year of your trademark registration, you must file documentation in the USPTO to maintain your trademark. After your registration's 9th or 10th year, you must file for renewal. To ensure continued legal rights and exclusivity, trademark holders must file for renewal with the USPTO before the end of each ten years thereafter.

Our law firm understands the significance of timely trademark renewals in preserving the strength and integrity of your brand. Failure to renew a trademark can result in its abandonment, leaving your brand vulnerable to infringement and loss of legal protection.

By entrusting us with your trademark renewals, you can rest assured that your brand assets are in capable hands. Our experienced attorneys will handle all aspects of the renewal process, ensuring compliance with renewal requirements and deadlines. With our proactive approach, we help safeguard your brand's longevity and maintain its value in the marketplace.