At Bizzy Legal Solutions, we value the trust and support of our fellow attorneys. To show our appreciation for referrals, we offer a generous 20% referral fee on any trademark-related services entrusted to us. By partnering with us, you can leverage our expertise and provide your clients with the highest quality trademark protection and representation. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional outcomes and fostering a mutually beneficial relationship with the legal community. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you and assist your clients in safeguarding their intellectual property assets.

How it Works

Refer a new trademark or copyright client to Bizzy Legal Solutions.


Start the referral process by filling out our contact form below.

Bizzy Legal Solutions schedules a free initial consultation with you and your client.


We will schedule a free initial consultation with you and your client to discuss strategy, fees and explain the process. You can choose the time that works best for you using this link.


Client engagement

Your client will formalize their engagement with Bizzy Legal Solutions through a signed retainer agreement.
We will work diligently to navigate ethical requirements and ensure compliance with all relevant professional guidelines.

Bizzy Legal Solutions will bill the client and pay your 20% referral fee.


For the lifetime of your client's relationship with Bizzy Legal Solutions, you will receive a substantial 20% referral fee credit on all legal services provided.
This compensation extends beyond the initial scope of work, encompassing any additional services your client may require.